Office templates

Word & PowerPoint

Themes have been developed for AGA templates within Microsoft® Word and PowerPoint. These themes include brand colors and font styles to aid in maintaining brand consistency. For information about accessing and use of these templates, refer to the standard operating procedures (SOP) developed by our IT department.

Email signature

A signature style has been created for all AGA staff and includes the staff person’s full name, title and contact information. Depending on the entity for which you are communicating, both an AGA signature and a DDW signature are available. For staff members who communicate on behalf of both entities, two signatures may be created, but only one is to be used per email.

Office voicemail

Your greeting should let the caller know who they have reached, what your status is (e.g., out of the office, in the office but unavailable), when the caller can expect to receive a call back, and instructions on what to do if the call is urgent. (You can direct your callers who need to speak to someone immediately to “Press 0” to be connected to the receptionist.)

Standard greeting
“This is [your name] with the American Gastroenterological Association. I’m currently unable to take your call. Please leave your name, phone number and a brief message, and I will contact you as soon as possible. Thanks.”

Extended absence greeting
“Hello, this is [your name] with the American Gastroenterological Association. I am out of the office from [day] to [day] and will not be checking my voicemail. If you require immediate assistance, please press 0 and ask to speak with [name of covering person] at extension [number of extension]. Otherwise I will return your call when I return to the office. Thank you.”

Video guidance and templates

The video templates are to help AGA staff and outside vendors in video production. These guidelines will help you create footage that is of standard and reflects the brand identity of AGA.