Frequently asked questions

When including attribution to AGA Institute within the content, note the following: “This is a program of the AGA Institute.” Similar language is also permitted.

In text documents, such as a press release or guideline that does not include a logo, include attribution to the AGA Institute as such: “This [guideline] was produced by the AGA Institute” or “The technology initiative is conducted by the AGA Institute.” This attribution is only required to be used once and may be used anywhere within the text.

It is appropriate to refer to both AGA and the AGA Institute as “AGA” in speeches and conversation.

If the AGA Institute requires an explanation as to what it is, describe it as follows: “The AGA Institute administers the practice, education and research programs of the American Gastroenterological Association.”

The full logo is AGA’s preferred logo and should be used whenever possible. In instances where space is limited, such as a strong vertical dimension, the simple orientation is permitted.

Use of the AGA logo is restricted to organizations with which we partner and requires prior approval.

Email for review.  

The use of the old AGA logo is not permitted. If the old logo is needed, please contact for more information.

If you need access to Gotham and AvenirNext, we recommend you obtain them via, an online font resource. Georgia is a standard system font and should be available on most machines.

You will need Microsoft Word and PowerPoint to access AGA’s templates.

Please contact Derek Randolph, director, building services to order standard AGA stationery.

To help ensure consistency, AGA materials with design elements need to be reviewed by communications staff.

Please send any materials that need brand proofing, or brand related questions to

For companies who wish to reference AGA guidelines or other clinical recommendations in marketing materials, please review our policy.