
Bookend slides

Standard opening and ending frames for AGA videos have been developed to clearly present our brand. They are the default opening and ending for videos created on behalf of AGA. These standard slides are available in the vendor care package.

For complex video projects that have a distinct visual style, work with design to develop opening/closing that fits with both the brand and video style. Alternate concepts must be approved by the creative director.

Lower thirds

A lower third is a graphic overlay placed within the lower title-safe area of the screen. It is used to identify the primary subject matter within a video, usually a person or location.

General guidelines

  • Lower thirds are to be used only for subject identification.
  • Use lower-third identification for the subject’s first introduction.
  • If a subheading is too long to fit on one line, then reduce the point size and run on two lines.
  • Keep text within the Action/Text Safe Zone (see vendor template). Never let text go beyond the right or left margin.
  • Lower-third identifications can be positioned on the left or right side of the frame, depending on the subject’s location.
  • Run time for lower thirds is 7 seconds.



Lower thirds

Tips for capturing your own video

Talking head interviews

  • Have the subject framed in a medium close-up shot.
  • Follow the rule of thirds when framing your subject, having him or her as close as possible to the crossing points.
  • Make sure the subject is not looking directly into the camera and instead looking towards the opposite third of where he or she is placed.
  • Record video horizontally (if using your smartphone, hold it sideways).
  • Avoid being backlit by making sure you’re facing toward, not away from, a window or another light source.
  • MP4 is the preferred file format.